@SoulMedia 2019
The Bath Boules is a vibrant, fun and long-standing fundraising event held in the iconic Queen Square, Bath every Summer.
It began over 30 years ago with a mini contest of boules between locals in and around Queen Square. Gaining popularity over time, it became an annual event with more and more teams involved and raising money for local charities in the process.
Fast-forward to today and the event has grown from a one day, into a weekend-long festival with a tournament between up to 64 teams each day with added food market, bar, music and entertainment for all the family. Anyone can take up team places, bringing together a huge cross section of Bath.
Bath's Summer Party
Everyone's Welcome
Bath's Summer Party * Everyone's Welcome *

Why support the Bath Boules?
Proceeds from the Bath Boules go to local charities and are distributed via the Bath Boules Trust. To date the event has raised over £500,000 thanks to the generous support of sponsors, partners and players.
Reasons to Boule:
Social Responsibility - You’ll be contributing to the Bath Boules Trust, raising money for vital causes in the city.
It’s fun! - The event makes a wonderful day out in the city centre with your team/friends. An ideal summer party activity.
Profile - As a sponsor you’ll receive a valuable marketing package of the Bath Boules campaign, backed by the city’s leading media brand Bath Life.

Daily Headline Partners
Notre big boulers
Little boules sponsors
Contact us.
Join the fun!
There are so many ways to support the Bath Boules, visit our Get Involved page for all your options or email us on: bathlifecommercial@mediaclash.co.uk for more information.
To find our more about stalls, setting up your team, or any further information please contact Poppy on 01225 475800. We look forward to hearing from you!
Bath Boules Charitable Trust, C/O Pearson May, 37 Great Pulteney Street, Bath BA2 4DA
www.bathboules.com. events@mediaclash.co.ukMedia Clash. Media House, 1 Widcombe Parade, Bath, BA2 4JT